Thursday, 9 April 2015


The main functions: Directly supervise all front office personnel and ensure that all the operations department running smoothly.
Duties and responsibilities:
1.        Participate in the selection of the selection front office clerk
2.        Supervise the front office workload
3.        Evaluate the performance of the work front office clerk
4.        Maintain working relationships and communication conducive to another department in the hotel.


Connecting from previous posts, here I will describe some of the role of the front office. Department front office a mission that is vital for the success of the hotel business. For products that become the main income (main revenue / income) is the hotel room. While the second largest revenue is from food and beverages (food & beverage).


Some people may be confused by the many departments within the hospitality, but with many departments stretcher all the work becomes easier because then all employees have a duty and responsibility of each according to his department.
Before going any further I will explain here once one of the departments within the hotel is no less important.

The front office is the front office. In the context of understanding the hotel, the front office is a department in the hotel that is located in the front. Precisely not so far from the front door of the hotel or lobby. This area is the busiest place in the hotel. With its location at the front of the front office, including departments in looking and most easily viewed by guests.

Friday, 3 April 2015


Biar gak bosan yuk kita jalan-jalan dulu, kalo bisa bawa bekal dulu biar gak kelaperan


Ruang Lingkup dan Tanggung Jawab Departemen Housekeeping

Departemen Housekeeping terdiri dari beberapa bagian yang menjadi dalam lingkup tanggung jawabnya, yaitu :

Room Division manager
Room Division Manager bertugas menangani segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kamar-kamar hotel.

Executive housekeeper
Executive Housekeeper bertugas merencanakan program kerja, mengkoordinir pelaksanaan tugas pekerjaan dihousekeeping, memimpin para supervisor maupun bawahan housekeeping, mengontrol kerja bawahan, bertanggung jawab atas standar kebersihan.

Asstant Excecutive Housekeeper
Assistant Executive Housekeeper bertugas membantu executive housekeeper, mengkoordinir para supervisor dan bawahan, melaksanakan program kerja, memimpin dan membuat daftar kerja bawahan, mewakili excecutive housekeeper saat berhalangan, mengajukan pembelian alat-alat, chemical, perlengkapan tamu, mengontrol pemakaian alat-alat, chemical, dll.

Order taker
Order Taker bertugas menerima informasi baik dari luar hotel maupun dari dalam hotel dan menyampaikannya kepada orang yang berkepentingan tersebut.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Departemen Departemen Hotel Berbintang 5

Anda ingin mendirikan sebuah hotel? Apabila iya, sebaiknya anda mengetahui dulu hal-hal berikut ini. Secara umum hotel berbintang lima biasanya memiliki 9 Departemen, diantaranya adalah :

1.         Front Office Department
Adalah departemen hotel yang tugasnya berhubugan lagsung dengan tamu, menerima pemesanan kamar tamu, menerima pendaftaran tamu, maupun memberikan informasi yang diinginkan tamu. Departemen ini merupakan kesan prtama bagi tamu ketika tamu hendak check in.
Adapun seksi-seksi di Front Office Departement adalah sebagai berikut :
a.    Reservation
b.    Reception
c.    Telephone Operator
d.    Front Office Cashier
e.    Uniform Service/Concierge
f.      Information section
g.    Guest Relation Officer

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Housekeeping

Public Area Section (Housekeeping) adalah bagian yang bertanggung jawab atas  kebersihan, kerapian, dan kenyamanan tamu hotel di public area. Housekeeping terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu :
1.         Public Area supervisor
2.         Public Area attendant
3.         Night Cleaner
4.         Toilet Attendant
5.         Florist

Public Area Supervisor
Bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan, kerapian dan pemeliharaan Public area, seperti lobby, F&B outlet, meeting room,offices, parking area, swimming pool, public toilet dan sebagainya, sesuai dengan standard dan prosedur yang ditentukan.